Here is a little weekend inspiration. I think Ella got it right:
“Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.
- Ella Fitzgerald -”
Here is a little weekend inspiration. I think Ella got it right:
“Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.
- Ella Fitzgerald -”
I just stumbled upon this quote on Instagram. Beautiful words that needed to be read today.
“Own your dreams. There is no better way to make them happen.
- Seth Godin -”
As mentioned in my last post, I attended my first ever letterpress workshop at Snap + Tumble few Saturdays ago now. It was wonderful to finally experience first-hand the beauty of letterpress printing, and as predicted, I fell in love! I got to use both wood and metal type and two different presses.
The wood type was used on a small proofing press called Showcard. I chose to print an uplifting word using an energizing shade of red. Here is the final product.
The rest of my paper goods were printed on a Chandler & Price 6 1/2 x 10 platen press. I found this press surprisingly easy to operate, although a step-by-step instruction was invaluable. I really enjoyed printing on the C&P and if I had to choose between the two presses I got to use, I would definitely pick this one!
Here are few pieces of stationery I printed on this press. The impression was tactile and quite lovely.
And how great is this little note?
I'm very happy I was able to take this workshop and finally get my hands dirty actually printing, as opposed to reading and daydreaming about it. And now the urge to get my own press is even stronger!
I'm obsessed with polka dots these days. Any colour combination will do, but the classic black on white is still my favourite. This is probably why I was so attracted to this desktop wallpaper made by A Pair of Pears. I was thrilled to stumble upon their website as it is truly fantastic!
The image itself is great, but the message is just perfect. It's something I need to remind myself of every day. "Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle" has become my daily mantra. And this phrase will be of particular importance to me a week and a bit from now when I'll be taking my first ever letterpress workshop. I couldn't be more excited!
I had signed up for an Intro to Letterpress workshop on a Vandercook press a long time ago and only found out this week that it's cancelled due to low enrollment. Felling awfully disappointed I was committed to find another class...somewhere, somehow. And luckily enough I did! So in less than two weeks I'll be taking the Tabletop Letterpress workshop offered by Snap + Tumble. Another wonderful printer with an amazing website. I can't wait to learn the basics of letterpress printing and finally lay my hands on a tabletop press. Of course, I'll be sure to write all about my experience!
Ever since I've become obsessed with letterpress printing, I've been on the lookout for letterpress inspirations. I find it extremely exciting to see the work of other printers, people who have established themselves in the field and are producing amazing paper products. Occasionally, I'm overwhelmed by their genius and feel discouraged as the mountain to climb is so high. But most of the time, I'm truly impressed by what they do. I've started following a lot of different printers via Instagram and their blogs. Here is an example of what amazing work those printers are capable of producing. And this particular inspiration came in the form of a Valentine's card given to me yesterday by my wonderful husband. I absolutely love it!
This beauty of a card was made by Smock. It is letterpress printed using gold foil on bamboo paper. The note that came with the card, which introduces the printer, states "we have ink on our hands and on our hearts". How amazing is that?! Love it!
Here is to inspiration. It's always out there, we just have to keep our eyes and hearts open.
In the spirit of Valentine's Day, here is a reading that is so close to my heart. The fact that it was read by my dear friend on our wedding day, makes it that much more special for me. I guess I love this reading so much because it depicts for me perfectly what love is all about. As much as emotions are involved, love is work. It requires kindness, understanding and patience. And what do you get in return? The same amount of kindness, understanding and a whole lot of goodness!
“(...) Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (...)
1 Corinthians 13:1-8”
I need these types of reminders every day, it seems. I might be a fear-ful person by nature...yet when you look at my life, where I come from, where I'm right now, and where I'm going, it's hard (even for myself) to believe that. At the same time, I don't consider myself to be fear-less. In fact, I would like to fear-less other people's judgment, their opinions and even my own criticism. And this is especially true when it comes to my creative work, dreams and fear-less and ever so strong desire to acquire a letterpress and to start printing. Not for others, not for money, but for myself!